Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) are available for use in English and French.
To request a presentation about the PEI Child and Youth Advocate Act, the work of the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate / PEI, or to learn more about children and youth rights and the UNCRC, please contact us.
Brochures & Booklets
Both a child and youth friendly brochure, and a community adults and helpers brochure are under development about our services. We will be pleased to ensure that quantities can reach you. Check back soon to request hard copies and view a digital copy online.
Thanks to the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates, the 'Know Your Rights' booklet about the UNCRC will be available in PEI. Again, we are pleased to ensure that quantities reach you. Check back soon to request hard copies and view a digital copy online.
Call us to reserve hard copies if you have a high priority: 902-368-5630
Thanks to UNICEF Canada and Child Rights Connect, we are pleased to provide this vibrant child-friendly poster version of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Please feel free to print and distribute for your use.
Consultation with the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate / PEI
If your department, organization or group would like to engage privately and in confidence with the Office, our team is available to provide a child's rights perspective to collaborate with you on your work, founded in decades of subject matter expertise and research competencies.
Consultation with the Child and Youth Advisory Committee
of the PEI Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Do you have an initiative, program or service that would benefit from a review, consultation or even brainstorming with young people? Our Office can facilitate the opportunity for you to engage directly with the Youth Members to gain the wisdom of their perspective.
We update our resources periodically and welcome your questions or suggestions.